The Dorsch Gruppe is consulting, planning and managing: airports, transport and infrastructure, architecture, water and environment

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Respected consulting and engineering partners for industrial clients, private investors, and public institutions

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Dorsch Qatar's overall objective is to harness our collective professionalism for the benefit of our clients, our communities and each other

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Dorsch Qatar

Reputable consulting and engineering partner in Qatar

Celebrating 10 years of hard work since establishment in February 2012, Dorsch Qatar has shared the responsibility and pride of participating in developing Qatar from a quiet, peaceful country to a modern, state-of-art developed and modern country that will host world wide events, which one of them is the FIFA 2022! 

Based on the sustained development in all engineering aspects such as supervision and project management, Dorsch Qatar managed to successfully deliver its clients all kinds of engineering applications. The achievements of Dorsch Qatar are strengthened by the 70+ years accumulated German/International experience since Dorsch was established in Munich in 1951. Dorsch Qatar's overall objective is to harness our collective professionalism for the benefit of our clients, our communities and each other. Our clients turn to Dorsch Qatar for a wide range of advice, skills and resources in developing, planning, engineering, supervising and managing projects.

Dorsch International Summer Party in Munich

The long-awaited Dorsch International summer party was a great success. The employees brought delicious food for the buffet, which offered a great variety of dishes. In his speech, CEO Dorsch Gruppe Europe Prof. Akkermann compared the colourful buffet to the Dorsch Gruppe, in which each company contributes its own individual share to the common group of companies.

A big thank you goes to all who had helped with the organisation and realisation. Although it rained for a short time, this did not affect the cheerful mood. The HR department provided everyone with a variety of fresh cocktails.

All in all, the party was a nice event that further strengthened the bond among colleagues.